Are you moving to Milan? Here's what you have to do for electricity, gas, water and internet

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Are you moving to Milan and do you need to turn on electricity, gas and water? In this article you can find how to switch on gas, electricity and water meters and also how to ask for a new internet connection.
New electricity and gas contract in Milan

New contract for electricity and gas?
If you have recently buy a new house in Milan, you will need new contracts for electricity and gas meters. For this, contact us calling the number 06 9480 8089 and an operator will guide you in choosing the supplier best suited to your needs. What are the possible situation you could find when you arrive in the new flat in Milan:
- Meter present in the house but not active: you need to ask for a subentro, that is a reactivation of electricity and gas meters. The cost is about 60 € charged in the first bill for both users. From the moment of the request, the supplier needs maximum 7 working days for turn on the electricity meter and maximum 12 working days for the gas one.
- Meter present and still active with a contract on behalf of the previous tenant: in this case, you need a voltura, that is a change of the name on the contract. For the voltura, the costs change for each supplier, but in general are also about 60 € for electricity and gas. For the voltura the supplier will need minimum 4 working days for electricity and gas.
- No meters in the new house in Milan: you have to request an allacciamento, that is the positioning of a new meter for electricity and gas. Is better asking for the request at least a couple of months before entering the new flat because the timings are long. The costs for the allacciamento vary depending on the kind of work that needs to be done: in any case, a technician will make a look and free quote.
- What documents are needed for a new activation of electricity and gas?
- Your personal data: name, surname, a valid document and a phone number
- Personal data of the previous tenant (just for voltura)
- Address of your new house in Milan
- POD code for electricity and PDR code for gas
- Maximum power required in kW (just for electricity)
- Nice to have: email address for the shipping of the bills and an Italian bank account
- For allacciamento only: the use for which gas is required: for example for cooking foods, hot water production, only heating or for the three things; building concession number (in Italian "numero di concessione edilizia") for electricity and gas connection
Do you need more information about electricity and gas? Watch our video:
Do you have to report a flicker of electricity and gas in Milan?
If you need to turn on an electricity and gas meter you can choose the company you prefer, calling the number 06 9480 8089 and choosing the rate that best suits your needs. But if there is a fault on the electricity and gas counters or on the distribution line, who do you need to contact?
For electricity, the local distributor for Milan is Unareti and for any problem about the meter, you can call the number 800.933.301.
For gas, the local distributor in Milan is 2I Rete Gas and you can report a failure, contacting the number 800.901.313. The local distributors are responsible for delivering electricity and gas to final customers, through medium and low voltage distribution networks, and gas through city networks. They are also the owner of the meters and intervene in the event of a malfunction.
New water contract in Milan

Do you need a contract for water?
Just as it happens for electricity and gas, even for water you will have to control the situation in the new house you bought in Milan. In general, for water it’s very uncommon that the meter is not present in the house, so the most common cases you can find when you arrive to Milan are:
- Is the meter present but closed because the contract has been canceled by the previous owner? In this case, you need to ask for a subentro and the costs are about 27,28€ more IVA (10% for domestic use) and 60€ charged in the first bill. The reactivation of the water meter will occur after 5 working days from the written request.
- Is the water meter open and the supply contract is in place? You just need to change the user's name. The costs are about 27,28€ more IVA and other 40€ if the customer doesn’t communicate the meter self-reading. When do you have to ask for the voltura? The request is only approved after the applicant has received a copy of the contract and the turn is done within 5 working days.
The water sector has not been liberalized like the electricity and gas one, so in Milan you have to contact Amiacque Srl, calling the number 800.428.428 active from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 18.00 and Saturday from 8.30- 12.30. You can also contact the company by:
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 02.895.202.89
- Mail: Amiacque Srl – Settore Gestione Clienti, Via Rimini 34/36 – 20142 – Milano
- If you need any help, you can also complete this document
- What documents are needed for a new activation of water?
- Your personal data: name, surname, a valid document and a phone number
- Personal data of the previous tenant (just for voltura)
- Address of your new house in Milan
- Meter self-reading
- Nice to have: email address for the shipping of the bills and an Italian bank account
New internet contract in Milan

Let's turn on internet modem!
Do you need to enable internet connection for your home but you do not know where to start? The market is full of offers but what do you need to turn on an internet connection? What is the best home internet offer in Milan?
The best way to choose the most affordable ADSL tariff and phone is to know and analyze your own consumption by paying particular attention to all the cost components that make up the telephone contract and then compare the deals that are on the market. If you are looking for a cheap offer, we recommend that you choose a rate that includes both internet and landline and mobile calls: this way you will have a complete package that allows you to benefit from various low cost benefits.
If you need to activate a new line you will need a technician's intervention in your flat in Milan. From the time you sign a contract, you will need 20 working days at the time of your intervention. However, if you are simply switching home-based home operator, you will still need technical assistance, but this will be directly on the control unit, in maximum of 20 working days.
If you need a new meter or an electricity and gas contract Call the number 06 9480 8089 or ask for a free call back request. An operator will answer you in English and will help you in choosing the right supplier for you!